Monday, December 31, 2012
* Seeing God's hand in the possibility of both Alex and me loosing our jobs at the start of the year. Praise the Lord for peace, direction, and supplying all we need and blessing us beyond that.
* Alex keeping his job and deciding to start his masters degree (so proud of how hard he is working and such nice grades! The teacher rejoices!)
* Me not starting my masters and taking a new job with the same school and new branch. Loving teaching music and being a librarian
*Going to Disney World! We are still talking about all of our favorite moments, lunch spots, rides, and the never ending debate of what is really the best park.
* Getting our second puppy Cosmo. I call him Dorsey's puppy many days because Dorsey loves having his little buddy to play with. He has been a lot of trouble but is the best snuggler and we love having him as part of the family.
*Hard decisions that bring family closer together.
*Adding a sister-in-law and her lovely girls to the family officially.
*Directing my first big program at school and it not failing
*New opportunities and hopes for the coming year!
Happy New Year everyone!
John 10:10 "I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Wishing and missing
Saturday, November 3, 2012
I love camping
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Oh little Cosmo
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Oh Walmart
Why do I think I can run in there on the way home? Why do I think that people will act like humans in that place? Why do I continue to return to that place? Tonight I fell into the trap of stopping by on the way home again. I looked for a few things and ended up getting the one thing that I really needed. Of course out of 1000000 check out lines there are 4 open. This is a relatively high number compared to some times that I have gone in so I was optimistic. I go to the 20 items or less line. You know how there are two rows and one is closer to the doors and you stand in the middle until one of the two opens up? Oh no I forgot, that is not how it works. You are to sneak around the line and squeeze in between the lines to the front checkout and skip the people waiting. WHAT! I can't stand that! So the line ends up talking about this lady eventually and I end up behind her because she only had 5 items. Her excuse was that she thought we must have thought the line was closed so she would just go ahead. Well, if you know me at all you know that I did open my mouth and told her that we in fact were just waiting in the line. The check out lady must have also thought I was crazy for coming into that place tonight when she said, "You waited in this line for 1 item?" Yes, I did wait in line and yes I only wanted one item. So here is your task. If you ever hear me say that I will just run by on the way home or just save a little money there or whatever my next lame excuse may be.... SAY NO! I should not be allowed to go back in that place or I may yell at someone. Or I may return as I always do and vow again to never return. Why oh why do I never learn.......
Monday, September 24, 2012
Ch ch ch changes
Have a great week everyone!
I'll leave you with a photo from our fun weekend a little while back when we had three handsome nephews over.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Well, they were all made when Alex arrived home and he went for a lemon cookie. I must stop here and say that Alex has a favorite adjective that makes my eyes roll envollentaroly. He loves to describe most everything as..."fine". I have all but baned the word and he loves to kindly bother me about my obsession with not using only this word.
Back to cookies. So he takes a bite of the lemon cookie and says, "Delicious." He smiled because I smiled and I thought this was another try not to say fine situation. That is unil he asked if there were any left when I got home that night. He really thought they were delicious!!
So in conclusion, no-bake cookies are yummy so make them all for yourself. Then make the delicious lemon burst cookies because they are beautiful and so much better than fine. Here is the recipe link. Some changes I made were not adding the extract simply because I didn't have any and I added a splash of key lime juice because I did have some.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Friday Favs
Favorite things for this Friday include...
* quick trips!
* My job
* Camping weather
* Fall decorations filling my house
* Getting to see a dear friend in two days
* Sleeping a little later tomorrow
Other things I'm enjoying here lately include headbands, popcorn, and our lights working properly for the first time in months.
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Library projects
I found this bucket at Walmart and thought it would be just right.
I got a few letter stickers, a little time and mod podge for good measure and wah la! Here is my reading buddies bucket with my little buddies inside.
The kids will have to make do with the stuffed animals. I am pleased with the way it turned out and now I am going to watch a little more Gillmore Girls. Night World!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Dinners on hand
For these two dinners, I just make sure I always have bread (Alex eats lunch on bread every day so I try to keep a loaf or two in the freezer), eggs, cheese, Bisquick, and milk.
This is a really short list so here is the question for you. What is your go to dinner? What do you always try have on hand?
Thursday, August 2, 2012
This and That
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
What Would You Wednesday
I just found out what grades I will have for Library next year. Now I am thinking of all the great books for each grade. So, what book do you remember loving in ___ grade? (I have every grade but first and second) I remember in first grade I just wanted to read Berenstain Bears. Somewhere I fell in love with Amelia Bedelia. I just thought she was too funny. Did she really think she should do that? Why don't they get rid of her? Oh those pies must have been crazy good that she made.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Splish, Splash
It is hot outside and we thought that the puppies would like a little pool to cool off in outside. Well, we really were not sure about our cautious Dorsey, but thought maybe Cosmo would like get in and then Dorsey would join. Just as we thought, Cosmo jumped right in and was splashing around. He was playing with whatever little piece of dirt, stick, or leaf he could see. Dorsey circled the pool many times and Alex finally just put him in the pool.
Yes, that is water all over the wall and the floor and the puppy. He was standing in the bowl until I called his name and put a halt on the fun. What are ya going to do? I guess we were at least successful in finding something Cosmo loves.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Here is Dorsey and his new little "brother" Cosmo. He looks a bigger in this picture because I'm holding him up. Poor Dorsey sat forever as I tried to get this little one to hold still long enough for a picture.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Fond of fourth grade
I just left my classroom after our last full day of fourth grade. I have not really posted on here much about changes that have come my way, but I'm not really sure if or when I will teach this grade again. I am moving into a position teaching music and library next year. Today is very bitter sweet for me and I know that this is where the Lord is leading me, but not everything about change is fun. I will need to share all the wonderful things I have planned and am looking forward to another day. Today I just want to record to remember a few of the many things I love about teaching fourth grade.
*I love this age! Not too sassy and not too much like babies either
*I love talking with them in small group
*I love to see their faces when they figure out that math that has had them perplexed
*I love the discovery of Science and how it points to our Creator
*I love that my sweet class circled around a classmate at recess to pray because she had gotten some bad news
*I love when they get all excited when I say anything like, "Mrs. Thomas says to stand up behind your desk."
* I love seeing them work together in groups to solve problems or make up silly skits
* I have hearing their hearts
* I love to see what they really have on their minds when they want to sit and talk at recess
*I love all the sweet notes and cute pictures
*I LOVE teaching
Yay for field day and class party to get to just spend some fun time with a really great group of fourth graders