Last week I decided I was going to plan meals and this week was going to be home cooked goodness all week. I had two different chicken dishes that both call for corn flakes in one way or another so I thought it would be great to do them both in one week while I have the cereal.
The cereal has been a down fall of mine from childhood. "Pick one box," Mom would say. This is so hard with all the beautiful boxes as far as the eye can see. I still look down that row and loose my mind. How many boxes can one girl eat?! Do I really need 5 boxes when I am the only one who eats any of them and I always forget the milk? No, probably not. This time it would be different. I was going to use this cereal all week. [Once again not being able to resist a new box, I leave with more than the one box and shake my head in shame]
Well, yesterday I was ready to try the first meal... I ended up throwing frozen chicken in the oven for the sake of time. I decided last minute to go hear Ken Ham again. (So interesting but that could be a whole post) Today I was ready to try again and then I realized this morning that I was fooled again by the cereal aisle and brought home frosted flakes instead of corn flakes! (This is what I get for buying Kroger brand) Plan B was shrimp from my sweet grandparents who gift me with shrimp from the Gulf every so often. Still a nice dinner and I thought hash brown casserole would go nice with that and I knew I had everything because I planned last week and thought it would be a good side. Everything except the missing corn flakes for the top. I thought about how bad it would be to use the frosted flakes or to wash them off some how and then realized that I had potato chips and I thought that would work just fine. It did and all was well in the world.